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Division of Engineering and Applied Science

Trailblazers Symposium

Applications Due:
March 21, 2025


The EAS Trailblazers Symposium seeks to recognize and provide professional development opportunities for outstanding early career researchers who advance the frontiers of research in engineering and applied science. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars within 1-2 years of applying for faculty positions are encouraged to apply. We especially encourage applicants who have demonstrated leadership in activities which advance the success of the entire research community in the areas of research, teaching, and outreach.

The event will include a division-wide symposium consisting of high-level talks from each of the participants, professional development opportunities, a one-hour seminar aimed at an audience from the participant's discipline/department, and meetings with faculty throughout the Division.

Applicants should apply online and request their advisor (and any other references) to submit letters of recommendation. Applicants will be selected based on their research accomplishments and their leadership activities which advance the success of the entire research community. The deadline for applications, including the letter(s) of recommendation, is March 21, 2025. The Trailblazers Symposium will occur on October 7 and 8, 2025.

If you have any questions about the EAS Trailblazers program, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to receiving your application.

Instructions for Applicants

  1. Create an account.
  2. Fill out the application form.
  3. After you submit your application form, send the link that is provided to you for your reference(s) such that they can upload their letters of recommendation (a minimum of one reference is required).
  4. Upload the following documents (as individual files or in one combined pdf):
    • a cover letter (up to one page) that serves as a high-level summary of your research accomplishments and future career goals;
    • an extended abstract describing a previous research accomplishment you would present in a seminar (up to one page, including optional figures and references);
    • A statement (up to one page) describing your past or planned leadership roles in advancing the success of the entire research community in the areas of research, teaching, and outreach;
    • a CV.